Message from @pd

Discord ID: 405171027539394560

2018-01-23 01:19:05 UTC  

any really

2018-01-23 01:19:27 UTC  

So they are all wrong? But science is correct?

2018-01-23 01:19:28 UTC  

a great deal of religious people don't necessarily take the bible to be a literal account of events

2018-01-23 01:19:47 UTC  

Those are called heretics

2018-01-23 01:19:52 UTC  

lol yes

2018-01-23 01:20:13 UTC  

If majority rule does not apply here, why does it apply to barney theory?

2018-01-23 01:20:44 UTC  

"Well I fondly remember the land before time from my childhood"

2018-01-23 01:20:54 UTC  

that wasn't the basis of my argument

2018-01-23 01:20:58 UTC  


2018-01-23 01:21:01 UTC  

It was not

2018-01-23 01:21:06 UTC  

I'm just asking

2018-01-23 01:22:26 UTC  

i didn't mean it as any evidence. i just wanted to open you up to the idea that some people interpret the bible metaphorically

2018-01-23 01:22:54 UTC  

so they might get benefits in that way

2018-01-23 01:23:11 UTC  

That's heresy

2018-01-23 01:23:36 UTC  

and they might call you an extremist

2018-01-23 01:23:45 UTC  

What benefits will they get by lying to themselves that the book is true and not true at the same time?

2018-01-23 01:24:04 UTC  

as much benefit as you would anything else

2018-01-23 01:24:06 UTC  

"Only the nice parts were real"

2018-01-23 01:24:26 UTC  

You cannot grow as a person if you reject "unhappy bad bads"

2018-01-23 01:24:48 UTC  

sometimes the lessons aren't so nice

2018-01-23 01:25:00 UTC  

so i'm not sure why them being nice would even relate to being true

2018-01-23 01:25:22 UTC  

The lessons are always nice among these metaphorical christians

2018-01-23 01:25:39 UTC  

Which is an apt name, as they are only metaphorically christians

2018-01-23 01:26:39 UTC  

How do we know Darwin wasn't speaking in metaphors?

2018-01-23 01:26:52 UTC  

because he has documentation of things that currently exist

2018-01-23 01:26:56 UTC  

He didn't actually see those really old turtles, he was just being metaphorical

2018-01-23 01:27:15 UTC  

you can easily tie the reports with other things we can observe

2018-01-23 01:27:37 UTC  

We can't observe monkeys turning into people

2018-01-23 01:27:38 UTC  

a senior citizen building a gigantic ark and rounding up two of every animal is a little less easily proved

2018-01-23 01:28:09 UTC  

According to the theory of evolution, recorded history starts quite some time after monkeys turned into people

2018-01-23 01:28:23 UTC  

It really is just blind faith

2018-01-23 01:28:28 UTC  

Herd mentality

2018-01-23 01:28:40 UTC  

Other people believe this, so it must be true

2018-01-23 01:28:46 UTC  

again, you're saying you can't observe it but you can

2018-01-23 01:29:11 UTC  

Can you show me a monkey becoming a man?

2018-01-23 01:29:28 UTC  

no, and i also can't show you a receipt for my groceries

2018-01-23 01:30:02 UTC  

If we knew each other in person, you could drive to my house and present me with a recipt though

2018-01-23 01:30:09 UTC  

It is quite plausible

2018-01-23 01:30:45 UTC  

it's like trying to prove that you're 1 day older

2018-01-23 01:30:58 UTC  

you can't see it right now, but it's still true

2018-01-23 01:31:12 UTC  

it's like proving to a 9 year old that there's an age above 10