Message from @RageAmp (AmyFan)
Discord ID: 369183854491205632
God's chosen people.
Who's going?
can't beat buccees faggots
Really makes ya think
Don't have perms to post in chat but this is serious post
@Codegeekman Now you can post in chat
For anyone who wants to see vegan cake
I want to see
love the heart shape
I am worried it tastes like shit
what are the toppings
Bc it's vegan
M&ms, rasped chocolate and powdered sugar
Aka sugar bomb
Aka diabetes
who'd you bake the cake for
A guy I like
he will appreciate it
This isn't good representation of what I'm able
even if it isn't good
I have been baking since 15
I am just used to baking actual cakes
And not bullshit that's without eggs, milk or butter lol