Message from @Techius
Discord ID: 370074854218661888
you still have allergies
i understand your point perfectly, i just reject it
because i am anti-theist
not athiest
well then you were wrong earlier
i reject religion in its entirety
atheist does not mean that you dont believe in all gods
which is a statement that you made
no one made you say that
no i never
show me where i said htat?
i made the statement that religious people are generally athiests
because htey reject other gods but their own
and that is the text book definition of atheist
"lacks belief in the existence of God or gods."
even you said it yourself
do you understand yet?
I did express feelings for another male friend on Discord
I told him I loved him
this is faggotry
>telling a man you love him
you’re a fucking faggot
degens on the server
purge 🔜
if I get purged I literally be upset irl
Do I ask the admins for VC access?
Are you retarded