Message from @ϟϟ✠Dan✠The✠Oracle✠ϟϟ
Discord ID: 371608867223896076
How can you tell if someone is a disabled trans person? Don't worry, they'll let you know
I fucking abandoned the commie utopia shitship since early highschool I'm not sure how these people on capmuses haven't made the jump yet
Autism knows no bounds
@TrustyRustyHammer it always was all about degeneracy... nothing new here
no im sorry i have to completely disagree with you
(even tho you deleted your comment)
he always pushed the boundaries of degeneracy way past what was culturally acceptable
its no worse than putting niggers and gooks back when he first did that
For anyone who might come back to this wondering what you're talking about, the comment that I posted and deleted was that while Trusty's post might be spot on, Hefner was protecting Playboy from the worst of degeneracy. Dangit, I can't even quote myself.
"Perhaps. But this is degeneracy on a level that Hugh Hefner has at least been keeping his system free from."
thats what you wrote
And to what =14/88= said, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. Putting in racial minorities (who obviously can't help having differently colored skin but probably have their own sex appeal) isn't degeneracy. Putting men who think that they are women totally is.
you are not thinking about the times when they were put in
and this is how this filth gets normalised
it was only a couple of decades ago that these half faggots would have been beat in the streets.... and only a few more before that that niggers were forced to the back of the bus......
and seen as the animals they are
even simple nudity back when playboy started was complete degeneracy at the time
Treating people as filth for reasons that they have no control over has no justification regardless of the era.
"no control over"
fuck that excuse
That doesn't necessarily mean that the black Playmates were murderers.
no, i never said they were murders, just different species to the target audience...
Besides. If Hugh Hefner was wrong to defy the racial bigotry of his era, then how is it any better for us to defy the political stigma of our times?
urgh, ffs... cant be fucked fixing it again. you know what i meant
that question dosnt make any sense to me at all
he pushed what was considered degeneracy his whole life
*degen of the times
So if black people aren't human, then they really can't help it. But if they are human, they should be held to higher standards. And the people who aren't killing each other ought to be treated decently.
no, they evolved differently to us some 200k years ago (iirc) and are incompatible with european culture and civility
And some of them made good music and played good sports.
and if we could just be fucking honest about it we could get over al lthis "racism" and all the fucking problems race cause