Message from @TormentDubz
Discord ID: 371664864013189120
As far as the mindset, that is indoctrinated to them during their lives by leftist propaganda.
they have evolved for thousands of years for "gibs"
They aren't born with the notion in their minds that all white people are evil and are out to oppress them. There are people who are teaching that to the black youth.
well... no i have to disagree again
they have siginificantly different brain structures, IQ levles and hormone levels
the same thing that evolved them to be great athletes have also evolved them in harmfuil ways
specially when it comes to living in a high trust society
@trent STRAYA
🅱 u n t
Is that you deus @Sheogorath
Gumball Machine
where's a good group for conspiracy theories?
>implying the roads will be built without tax
Skype iS SummOnIng THe *v*oI*D* *tHeRE* *I*S *No* *ESCAPE* *YoUr ChildREN will BE fEd To tHE BLOOD GODS*