Message from @WingALingDragon
Discord ID: 363521497475842058
hope its not an **anthony** weiner dogg <:pepegun:356316958141972501>
What do you think he's thinking about that butterfly
he wants to sniff it mostly
He looks hungry
He's gon' snatch that bug
@Maddy bug snatcher
@WingALingDragon home now?
🆙 | **WingALingDragon leveled up!**
I only got on because vec was in voice
👀 why is this video age restricted??
I low key want to make another account just for this
why the fuck is it so quiet
its quiet time
Cause vec and wing left
can someone give me
Fuck you cuck fucks
no you
not you
no u
the cucks know who they are
I've known about this for a while jsut knew it was in september not on the 11th exactly
Extremism, hate speech, and racism are not tolerated at all.
1. Extremism, hate speech, and racism are not tolerated at all.