Message from @Razz
Discord ID: 363882695530643457
i know, its awesome
just talk
it doesnt matter..
i've joined many discussions
they are easily red-pilled if you hold your ground
its pretty easy
if they concede you may have a point somewhere, from there on its much smoother
lol you wouldn’t like it
what, i love triggering lefties
This server is much better than the ones out there
especially when i say pinochet did nothing wrong
Here you have free speech
Good goy
communisim is good on paper, bad in practice
Pretty much
Fools many people
Most people who believe in leftist ideas probably don't do much research
Like Communism
seems very much like it
socialists either convert or die
after communists take over
I mainly see myself as a Libertarian
libertarians allow bad ideas to breed
they're the kind of people that have a gun on their hip, they see a woman being raped in a dark alley, and turn a blind eye
i actually despise libertarians more than the communists, because most libertarians know the evils of communism, and if they do not refuse and despise those people, they're complicit
Yeah I could see that
I know communism is really bad
but to be fair to the libertarians, most conservatives are actually fabians
socialists dressed as cons
I believe in Capitalism but I believe in free will
As well
like fucking Jeb that only lacked a neon sign on his head
im back
Razz - Today at 9:42 PM
@sparty911 why did Stalin told the soviet troops that if they fled or converted to the enemy they'd be executed? why so many people died under it? why the gulags? why ban religion? why destroy the unity of family and preach the government?
in the end, he only took measures that furthered the blight of the russian people