Message from @Razz
Discord ID: 363885251191242755
I think there should be some authority
people dont like your regime? this leads to dissent, GULAG!
there were leaders in the past that were incompetent
but when they had good intentions, people suffered, but weren't genocided into oblivion
Too much authority will prevent people from exploring ideas
when their leaders are actually intending to destroy the host country for a fucking ideology
its bad
And will make people revolt
Stalin massacred the entire intellectual society of Russia
did people have a successful revolt in the soviet union?
extreme problem solving
in the beginning of the war
everyone was just converting to german armies
because no one wanted to fight for a guy who isn't even russian
that's why they had to exact an order to kill anyone who dissented
on sight
you compare the casualties from nazi occupation with soviet occupations
it's horrifying
hitler was actually a communist btw
he just backstabbed them and did things his own way
How's that?
he was a member of the communist party
he defected though, and tried to take power
which led him to be jailed
and become a national hero
Wasn't the Nazis a socialist party though
It was
it was hitler's view of communism
backstab the communists
and take their assets
Yet you have idiots who believe Trump is a nazi
and do things his way
the difference is Hitler was actually german and actually wanted to improve his people