Message from @41percent
Discord ID: 364569162259103754
what happened with that shooting at USC
@41percent fake news
@41percent yeah fake news
whats up @41percent
my nigga
@nightstalker Fuck this weeb shit
No one even knows his political biases, supposedly he converted to islam, but that's unsubstantiated as far as I can tell
i posted that in a normie server and got reee'd at
"gun control"
3d printed cartridge?
3d printed AK mag yeah
wonder how it'd hold up with the heat
its just a mag, does it have a follower/spring guide?
the polymer mag is printed however what about the internals of the magazinne
@Jerry Can youve posted that 3 times now
I don't know how well the gun isolates heat so I don't know how well the cartridge would hold up
>ghost gun
I own a ghost gunner, it's cool.
i lost my ghost guns in a boat accident
I'm sure the download of those files are tracked
tfw no lillian gish gf