Message from @vec
Discord ID: 364598595359342593
we all wait pateiently
@VicariousJambi how many aren't jews though? I need perspective
you're seriously showing off your pubg character?
@Huma_Abedin you after a 3 day bender
you crackhead
@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye trenchcoats enchance your outline & make you more visible aka **DED**
@trent for real
@Polygon It has thier job titles by their names
eh i havent noticed a change in score
hol up I'll show you my minecraft character B)
@vec like blowing coke and smoking crack for 4 days and then trying to go to work
i also have a pretty low-profile jacket, the one with the feather collar
green and yellow
does this discord have a steam group?
@Polygon the important thing is that there are only one of the positions they inhabit - on th exectuive level. There can only be ONE Charmain, one CEo, one managing editor, etc...
of course
there are of course, dumb useful idiot goys in their staff
they do most of the work
but is that every executive position?
I didn't know chuck todd was a jew
short ansrew, yes
of course lmbao
cmon dawg
literally the entire WH press pulpit is guesss who
many many ex-christian converts as well
usual tehy convert somewhere along the career to get in the favors of their handlers
must be due to coercion or something like that
its cause they have to go to the dark partie4s eventually