Message from @July 2nd
Discord ID: 369690949607096330
No reverse that
two images. same height. one isnt truthful
Why don't the other planets look flat?
What do mean not truthful
The sat images are flat because it's only one side
Are you serious
they compress multiple images to release the photos
Mate I don't care if it can work or not
they do more than that haah
A flat Earth isn't even *physically* possible
The gravity would compress it
dude gravity doesnt exist
Why am I on the ground
cuz ur fat
The gravity of an object that big would compress it into a ball
Grvity aint real
The Earth is round because its own gravity inevitably pulls it into a spherical shape. To somehow make it go flat and stay flat, you’d first have to find a way to switch off the effects of gravity. This would have the unfortunate side effect of allowing the Earth’s atmosphere to float away into space, rapidly followed by anything else not physically attached to the surface. So, unfortunately, there’d be no weather and no life.
Check mate athiests
spell atheists right
google searched "help me debunk flatearth" and can only come up with a gravity assumption
rookie mistake
The other planets are round
You can see then spin
Get a telescope
Flat Earth is a Jewish conspiracy
Silly queef. Gotta ask the right questions
don't worry. i remember the first time someone told me about flat earth