Message from @Soft Spoken Person
Discord ID: 370100634646478861
I call bullshit
no, its actually true
even after wasting billions of dollars on niggers they are still generally worthless parasites
but morons, or more accurately race baiters, claim its some form of magical racism they cant prove
what is that
I dont believe the MEDIAN white family has 110,000/year income
that sounds made up as fuck
>dosnt understand the difference between wealth and income
its no wonder you can only get a jungle monkey @JacobFox
Net worth
hey guys
i would like to get some voice priviledge
i would like to add to this convo
theyre talking about breach on contract
non compete
and im in law school
@Huma_Abedin Hello!
@Huma_Abedin Do u think I could get voice?
hi 😊
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx Could I get voice? To add to a convo
Hey chaydee!
Great song
i was in antigua in summer 15
lots of fun
Can noone give me voice?