Message from @.PunishedShlomo
Discord ID: 370287255539023872
Why tho
because they pop up randomly some places
i have NEVER watched nigger porn if thats what youre asking
I just have never seen a random nigger pussy
Even on the internet
I mean what sites were you on
I saw it a couple of times just clicking into articles
and then there is either ads
or it is like something about "sexual diseases"
and all of a sudden you see a niggers vagina
Jailbaiting is also popular
thats ironic
What a faggot
>typing in the <#356277817253560320> channel and not talking
holy moly
you can't when dawkins is talking
darth "that's not an argument" dawkins
holy shit
dawkins is destroying this kiddo
i'm jizzing
alright I'm leaving just came here for the darth
this is cancer
@.PunishedShlomo i misheard you thought you said the opposite
Remember when Blackberry was relevant?
rtue snax
British ?
no im african
@Loaf Bloke nice
Blsckberry is a perfect metaphor for Canada
Just like Bombardier
Nokia is better