Message from @Composers
Discord ID: 371142537806741524
Yours still a limp dick bitchj
>true alpha
>raped in the butt by niggers in jail
Your a fucking kjoke
not the face of an alpha sorry
Ayo composers is that you?
You got quite a handsome jaw line bro
Thats little cal
Ayo composers
Quite a non jewish jawline
There is no jaw line
its a fucking curv e
Looks like you lay quite the amount of rebar
theres no line
Maybe pouring some concrete
Nothing worse than fucking cuck circle jerk boys
You ruined CC
You are ruining this server
kek big cuck is salty
try a salad
unmute cal guys!!!
i feel for you cpt
Big boy oy goy,
Composers, Turbo -
The faggots which I hurdle over
You whine and complain,
My memory and my legacy still remain,
Pouring concrete,
laying rebar,
Turbo, Composer, Leaf
You will always be a stinky whores queef.
Cuckyfornia lol
Is he fucking high?
Srsly why am I muted?
You fucking pricks
im high and i still have no idea what the fuck he is saying
i hit on anything above 18 and above a 5
me_irl ^
Unmute me you fucks
unmute him i want to hear his cancer
so uh wats the push to talk button
it means ur new