Message from @Andrew
Discord ID: 371144085718958081
Nothing worse than fucking cuck circle jerk boys
You ruined CC
You are ruining this server
kek big cuck is salty
try a salad
unmute cal guys!!!
i feel for you cpt
Big boy oy goy,
Composers, Turbo -
The faggots which I hurdle over
You whine and complain,
My memory and my legacy still remain,
Pouring concrete,
laying rebar,
Turbo, Composer, Leaf
You will always be a stinky whores queef.
Cuckyfornia lol
Is he fucking high?
Srsly why am I muted?
You fucking pricks
im high and i still have no idea what the fuck he is saying
i hit on anything above 18 and above a 5
me_irl ^
Unmute me you fucks
unmute him i want to hear his cancer
it means ur new
dumb fag
He paid in bitcoin
male order bride?
like $40 i think
No \
Fuck you
Medicaid is the problem, they have no incentive to get a job
Stupid (((Whites))) want to hate on Biig Cal
Fucking idiiots
Oisego is good
That's extreme
@all Hey unmute me you fucking weak cucks