Message from @Spirit
Discord ID: 371140824639209482
Un mute big Cal
tell that chink beaver hating whore
saving beavers
Yea ok
This is the new CC
Mute me when I call out some kike mod
CC is the donald
Great a-ok
Censoring Central
I wanna save the beavers
unlike @somerussianguy
he wants genocide
Every time a beaver is killed to heartless genocidal beaver nazi's or turbo gets banned we drink
You fucking cucks
The level of disrespect
@Big Cal Shut up bitch
Mute me all you want thats the only power you will ever have over a true alpha
Yours still a limp dick bitchj
>true alpha
>raped in the butt by niggers in jail
Your a fucking kjoke
not the face of an alpha sorry
Ayo composers is that you?
You got quite a handsome jaw line bro
Thats little cal
Ayo composers
Quite a non jewish jawline
There is no jaw line
its a fucking curv e
Looks like you lay quite the amount of rebar
theres no line