Message from @Spirit
Discord ID: 371140371612172288
not my fault you commies wanna kill of the american beaver
It's because you SUCK, Lil Cal.
Un mute big Cal
Un mute big Cal
tell that chink beaver hating whore
saving beavers
Yea ok
This is the new CC
Mute me when I call out some kike mod
CC is the donald
Great a-ok
Censoring Central
unlike @somerussianguy
he wants genocide
Every time a beaver is killed to heartless genocidal beaver nazi's or turbo gets banned we drink
it's a tranny
You fucking cucks
The level of disrespect
@Big Cal Shut up bitch
Mute me all you want thats the only power you will ever have over a true alpha
Yours still a limp dick bitchj
>true alpha
>raped in the butt by niggers in jail
Your a fucking kjoke
not the face of an alpha sorry
Ayo composers is that you?
You got quite a handsome jaw line bro
Thats little cal
Ayo composers
Quite a non jewish jawline