Message from @KEK-saves
Discord ID: 373172573309108227
We're gonna be talking about a fucking NYT article
Can't talk @somerussianguy ?
God touched my wee wee
any update on the JFK files?
It's Darth Dawkins trying to explain to normal people why the Earth is 6,000 years old
He's no different.
what server was a honeypot?
@somerussianguy are you not gonna answer
If you understand the goal of authoritarian theists, the arguments make sense.
not sure why that matters when you're typing messages to other users. You posted a screenshot claiming that some server was an alt-right honeypot
weird, one sec
For the kids
tbf there are some people here who aren't even right wing
The kiddos
Instantly know his is unemployed when I asked him, he stuttered and fucking went silent.
@Dandramere who are you talking about?
Also, trump is live
he's talking about the opiod epidemic
@buster Dawkins
I thought he was employed as a philosopher
just a failed youtuber