Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 554669833892003842
the video itself wasnt funny i agree
yo dude
why dont I have permission to almost all of the channels asking for the 5 time
can i get a new role
what does that mean enrolle
i want to be able to speak in more channels dude
Wtf dude
I just want to talk
Is there a round earth role I can have?
You are talking
to other channels
Flat earth theory is fake
@Deleted User @The Gwench i will give you two your privacy, go for it dude
Hence theory lol
@Kirah / Neggles / Kirelle like you
I'm real
@Kirah / Neggles / Kirelle you're a bot
@The Gwench in a few hours dudette
Im very much real
How is she a bot
Why is slowmode on?
How real is real
@Kirah / Neggles / Kirelle I turned it on
what is really real tho and what’s not
slowmode is a sad thing
So that they dont get attacked by memelous fans
Its so annoying
Its on 10 seconds, can't you make it like 5 seconds, or 2