Message from @Zephial
Discord ID: 368945518040317967
Hollywood still has a convicted pedo making movies. Victor Salva
Trump is a bigot
it's obvious
if that is serious then its extremely autistic
you're the extremely autistic one if you don't think that my dude @Zephial
youre a fucking idoit bro, don't know anything about what is going on in this country
stick to austrailian news
I said Trump is sexist, not what's going on in your autistic country
obv bigot
ok leftist
no reason to talk to you
you are braind ed
typical neo cons
leave when they're wrong
enjoy the mussies that are invading your country
you are just a blabbering libtard
we have good immigration <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>
of mussies yes
later nerd
autistic magapedes
why so many
why are you on a Trump server if you hate Trump? retard
It's not a trump server
you dont know anything about Trump or America
you're the retard
it is
inbred maggot
Let me get a link
about the server
said by an admin
idgaf what the admin saiys
dumb fucking gook