Message from @Zephial
Discord ID: 368945844570947595
you are braind ed
typical neo cons
leave when they're wrong
enjoy the mussies that are invading your country
not a neocon
you are just a blabbering libtard
we have good immigration <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>
of mussies yes
later nerd
autistic magapedes
why so many
why are you on a Trump server if you hate Trump? retard
It's not a trump server
you dont know anything about Trump or America
you're the retard
it is
Let me get a link
about the server
said by an admin
idgaf what the admin saiys
dumb fucking gook
get out of serious chat @Zephial
you have no place here
autist fuck
>has no arguments
go shill somewhere else nigger
incoming big poswt
Frick it's over 2k
I'll post the link