Message from @ErnieLanders
Discord ID: 369205769088008208
u two are the reason why soviet fel
siting and back mouting the president
Joe rogan you're just an American trying to troll
My feelings on Russians is one of pity and that's it
Everything is so expensive and people who are just like you and me have no purchasing power
Remember reading some guy my age in Russia sad about how he works his ass off and still has to save for months to upgrade his PC
Meanwhile, I'm a lazy faggot with a insanely great job and can shit out a new PC every week
All because I got lucky and neon in America
Why is Putin necessary?
World countries don't care about land anymore
It's all about economic growth
No one is gonna invade Russia anymore
Lol oligarchs
That was before the information era
News flash, commoditiyies aren't a great way to build an economy
Cuckerburg built Facebook when he was 19 in his dorm room while in his underwear
It's worth 400 billion today
Alright I'm going to eat
im out xD
What do you guys think about guns?
They should be legal
Kept how it is
joe rogan has said he is for open borders on his show
dont rmemeber which episodes but ive heard him say it twice
mexicans just want a better life
He’ll argue the opposite when he has another conservative on
In the past month I've became completely uncuckified. I'm no longer a virgin and I have a job.
Welcome to the suck
Thanks for having me
What’s up with Assange tweet?
Also he has a new symbol next to his name.
He has a diamond
What did twitter meant by this