
Discord ID: 369114879963168778

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2017-10-15 13:59:02 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Lets nuke it

2017-10-15 13:59:15 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Just for the hell of it

2017-10-15 14:05:41 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

We have about 500 uears of history

2017-10-15 14:07:03 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Colombus is probably going to be removed from the history books within the next twn years

2017-10-15 14:08:57 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

And America is made from immigrants so really it holds the history of the entire world

2017-10-15 14:11:35 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

I think we all can agree that america iw awesome

2017-10-15 14:12:07 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@Saxon same

2017-10-15 14:12:39 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-15 14:13:47 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Yeah but they are still very different

2017-10-15 14:14:18 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Probably moscow

2017-10-15 14:14:35 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

The NYC is overrated

2017-10-15 14:15:43 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Yeah everyone outaide of the citys are rightwing

2017-10-15 14:18:12 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Is it just me or is every country that accepts immigrants/refugees getting torn to crap. Especialy france

What do you guys think about guns?

14 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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