Message from @Max Payne

Discord ID: 369674832352247818

2017-10-16 15:34:45 UTC

2017-10-16 15:34:51 UTC  

So, 5g?

2017-10-16 15:40:58 UTC  

What about it?

2017-10-16 15:43:40 UTC  

5g dont mean shit

2017-10-16 15:43:48 UTC  

could only be like 1% better

2017-10-16 15:44:12 UTC  

g = generation, not any measurement of speed or anything

2017-10-16 16:26:04 UTC  

Doesn't real 5G have a range of about 20 feet? Seems like a money sink top me.

2017-10-16 17:18:33 UTC  

Anyone know a better way to block spam callers who use different numbers every time? I'm trying out a macro that'll do it, but I wondered if there's other options.

2017-10-16 18:03:46 UTC  

The journalist sound like a bunch of headless chickens

2017-10-16 20:42:19 UTC  

Unfortunately, the spammers change numbers each time they call. I wouldn't know what number to block, because it's different each time.

2017-10-16 21:06:56 UTC  


2017-10-16 21:14:14 UTC  

If the standard procedures don't work, then you can help yourself by some tips:
1. Pick up and say 'Hold on. just a sec'....Put the phone down and let the called hold until he/she drops off. Do this again and again until patience of caller gives up.
2. Put the phone in loudspeaker, chew loudly, talk while eating.
3. Ask them how to cook spaghetti i.e. ask them all stupid and pointless questions possible.
4. Do not let them complete their sentence, interrupt them in mid.
5. Debate on political issues or complain about your boss.
6. Ask him/her to repeat again and again and speak loudly.
7. Do every stupid and annoying thing possible.
8. Do not freak out, instead freak the caller out.

2017-10-16 21:17:22 UTC  

^ I usually do that if it's a person. Unfortunately, it's the same robot call I've been getting everyday for a month straight. A lot of advice on there is for human callers or callers from the same number. I downloaded an app that let me create a macro to send all calls that I don't have in my contact book straight to voicemail; I just wondered if there was a better option.

2017-10-17 01:57:28 UTC  

Did hannity bait us?

2017-10-17 02:35:48 UTC  

Just want to make a quick prediction

2017-10-17 02:36:15 UTC  

About Hannity and Carter (I’ve worked with the latter)

2017-10-17 02:36:42 UTC  

I believe that Imran Awan was the source of the DNC emails and was also a spy for rogue elements within the Democrat Party

2017-10-17 03:01:55 UTC  

so i was just thinking what if you have a dick and vagina and fuck yourself could you get yourself pregnant and would it be incest thanks?

2017-10-17 03:17:17 UTC  


2017-10-17 08:50:48 UTC  

Wouldnt it be masturbation instead?

2017-10-17 12:30:26 UTC  

shocking, I say

2017-10-17 12:32:20 UTC  

The investigation was ultimately supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump’s deputy attorney general, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director under Trump, Justice Department documents show.

2017-10-17 12:32:25 UTC  

both rats still there......

2017-10-17 12:32:29 UTC  

drain the fucking swamp

2017-10-17 12:32:53 UTC  

7 fucking years ago the FBI had them

2017-10-17 12:34:21 UTC  

The Obama Administration makes some middle eastern dictatorships look angelic, straight out gangsters.

2017-10-17 12:35:22 UTC  

The connections to the current Russia case are many. The Mikerin probe began in 2009 when Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case, was still FBI director.

2017-10-17 12:35:26 UTC  


2017-10-17 12:54:54 UTC

2017-10-17 12:54:56 UTC  

<:merchantwho:363578436255612929> <:merchantwho:363578436255612929> <:merchantwho:363578436255612929> <:merchantwho:363578436255612929> <:merchantwho:363578436255612929>

2017-10-17 13:05:20 UTC  

@Crypto Groyper a reply to that lol

2017-10-17 14:17:47 UTC  

Page does not exist 😦

2017-10-17 14:32:19 UTC  

Im not sure if people will care or not, but I will still try anyway, im trying to make my small subreddit grow called /r/PositiveTrumpNews