Message from @Queef Madagascar
Discord ID: 371320141318848534
Do you call yourself a Satanist?
No, most satanic followers like being edgelords and try really hard to act all dark and bruting
Are you a theistic luciferian
Some Luciferians believe in Lucifer as an actual deity, not to be worshipped as the Judeo-Christian God but to be revered and followed as a teacher and friend, as a rescuer or guiding spirit, or even the one true god as opposed to the traditional creator of Judaism.[28] Theistic Luciferians are followers of the Left-Hand Path and may adhere to different dogmata put forth by organizations such as the Neo-Luciferian Church or other congregations that are heavily focused on ceremonial magic, the occult and literal interpretations of spiritual stories and figures.
essentially that^. And I am theistic
So you're just an edgy anime idoliser
Was satanism spawned from post modernism?
It seems like it could
Trying to talk about God yet you are a theistic luciferian
Especially with regards to the analysis on binary oppositions
Which type of satanism
The edgy no god moral one or satan worshipping
I think it's called laVeyan
Something like that
Just the whole idea
One day someone said "oh what if we're wrong"
Well the god god is
Pointing out an arbitrary bias
Different people look at God differently
Some people look at him as the man in the clouds and some as the metaphysical all knowing non physical
The latter is the better
Which one is right?
Why would an all knowing god make such a descisve religion
Theres like 30 000 sects
He didn't make the sects
God didn't make the idea of Oreos
The Bible has been translated and reintrepeted thousands of times
God wouldn't have made Protestantism if he did make denominations
What does that have to do with god
If this was really the infallible word of God why do so many people have so many different interpertations
It should just have one meaning
Because some people are retarded
In the old testament the word Elohim can mean one god or multiple gods
Old Testament