Message from @giantbollocks
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Absolutly disgusting
How does debate night work?
one person talks over everyone else for 10 minutes, failing to make a point, and then someone else does it
Hello @everyone,
I need to find this book: Scott, H. M. (2006) The Birth of a Great Power System: 1740-1815
Can't seem to find it on
Any idea where I can get it? Google has obviously proven quite fruitless.
Oh, so in reality it's a guy. Wow, did he change genders so he could feel up little girls?
You know it brings up a point. Women are more sexual than men are, and yet they rarely get caught. look at the comments here. People are actually defending it
I hope this guy gets the chair with a prod inserted in his fake vagina.
Still has a dick, in the story it says it penetrated he 10 year old
So he's not transgendered. He's just a queer who preys on weak kids.
I wouldn't piss on this guy if he was on fire.
This ^
I hate that anyone can just say they’re transgender
anyone here an expert/proficient with Excel? Willing to venmo for homework services
Am I server muted?
not MGTOW men
we want nothing to do with you at all
Good luck.
Seems to work for vegan shit. But globalist trade deals, never.
I'm tired as fuck and I'm sick, my first 3 hours I can only miss 1 more day but I'm sucking ass in my 4th and can't miss another day in it
What should I do
There's 20ish days left in the tri
I've been seeing more and more sentiment from my fellow conservatives toward mental health treatment being bunk, jewed, or otherwise unnecessary
I'd like to discuss that with folks here
I know that serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia aren't made up -- some might argue with me, but I've personally witnessed people close to me suffering from them. You haven't seen real fear until you've seen a person grappling with the inevitability of having a psychotic episode.
They have had to put aside their own goals for living a productive life because of their illness.
Why, then, are antipsychotics seen as the pharmaceutical jew?
They may be overprescribed, but this person I know wouldn't be able to function without their meds.
I myself had rather severe OCD when I was in junior high - tapping rituals, the whole 9 yards.
Never took medication for it but I did go to therapy regularly and learned how to manage the underlying causes of my illness. Now I'm largely asymptomatic and have been for years.
This used to the the plan of the Allies