Message from @Yaboku

Discord ID: 375757632687964179

2017-11-01 21:02:52 UTC  

Wouldn't suprise me

2017-11-01 21:03:04 UTC  

Wouldn't surprise me if Mueller was covering for the Uranium One shenanigans either

2017-11-02 14:58:00 UTC  

Why is <#350739775214583812> so autistic

2017-11-02 14:58:06 UTC  

Serious user role master race

2017-11-02 15:46:49 UTC  

What do you want to serious_chat about?

2017-11-02 18:43:55 UTC  


2017-11-02 18:44:39 UTC  

Should conservatives be nicer to Muslims if they haven’t actually done anything wrong

2017-11-02 18:45:27 UTC  

I’m down for expelling sharia law and such but it’s not productive to want to kill every last one

2017-11-02 21:19:11 UTC  

I don't see why things cannot be professional with them, if they have a decent education and don't bring up their religion or politics at work. It's when they bring up politics or religion that the issues occur.

2017-11-02 21:19:35 UTC  

Or try to force their religion or politics into the American system.

2017-11-02 21:22:26 UTC  

There are Conservative Muslims but they mostly don't go public with their views because so very many Muslims are libtarded

2017-11-02 21:22:58 UTC  

The younger ones are the issue. The older ones are a mix of conservative and Sharia conservative

2017-11-02 21:23:16 UTC  

Well they come from countries that have insanely bad infrastructure

2017-11-02 21:23:29 UTC  

Then they come here and they're handed massive mantles of technological power, namely access to the internet

2017-11-02 21:23:36 UTC  

But most of them don't bother to participate, vote, or push their values. The younger ones and the non lazy Sharia folk are the issue

2017-11-02 21:23:41 UTC  

What happens is predictably bad

2017-11-02 21:23:47 UTC  

Because they want everyone to conform to them

2017-11-02 21:23:54 UTC  

They have major superiority issues

2017-11-02 21:24:08 UTC  

"Islam is the best religion, therefore we are better than you. Also, gib clay."

2017-11-02 21:25:54 UTC  

I don't have a huge problem with them tbh. It's the new ones coming in that are the issue. The ones who grew up here or lived here for decades tend to have money and are decently educated. The ones coming in now and the millennial s are radicalised, lazy, want gib mes, and are likely not as well educated (since they are younger)

2017-11-02 21:26:40 UTC  

It also depends on what country they come from. Lebanese tend to do better here than Yemeni or omani, for example

2017-11-03 01:00:08 UTC  

You conservatives need to be nicer to Muslims if you want to keep up the idea that they're all intolerant

2017-11-03 01:00:11 UTC  

The key is getting these mosque leaders to condemn jihad and snuff it out

2017-11-03 01:01:20 UTC  

So far their only solution seems to be "we need to build more mosques"

2017-11-03 01:01:42 UTC  

They were talking about it on the radio this morning, actually

2017-11-03 01:04:14 UTC  

What is the rationale

2017-11-03 01:15:19 UTC  

They were talking about how there's been four Uzbeks and that they don't have an Uzbek mosque nearbye so maybe that's why they radicalised

2017-11-03 01:16:42 UTC  

So the guy ws saying they really need to build a mosque for Uzbeks with guys who speak their languge. He also suggested getting an Uzbek imam to partner with one of the existing mosques there. I just find it odd that their solution is "more mosques" as opposed to "we really need to do something about it in our existing communities"

2017-11-03 02:13:07 UTC  
2017-11-03 02:13:14 UTC  
2017-11-03 03:47:02 UTC  

@Max Payne personally I don’t mind what people are as long as they aren’t idiots who can’t normally function in society and are rightthink

2017-11-03 03:47:21 UTC  

We need to unite as an ideology to combat the left and defeat it

2017-11-03 03:48:49 UTC  

It’s the only way, really. I find white nationalists to be idiots because they’re making enemies among the right when they want the deportation or extermination of minorities, even though they can redpilled. I know a couple dozen redpilled minority kids at my school and I have pretty high approval among them.

2017-11-03 03:50:44 UTC  

They’re also smart, which is pretty rare, but they are. Why should we kill them off when they’re perfectly functioning, critically thinking, right wing individuals like us?

2017-11-03 03:52:49 UTC  

I personally believe ethno-nationalism is retarded because let’s face it, we have people of color in America. We won’t be able to just get rid of them. Why not let them live in their own communities and contribute to society?

2017-11-03 03:53:13 UTC  

They’re not challenged, or disruptive, or leeches like the left.

2017-11-03 03:55:40 UTC  

Ethnonationalism is a Jewish lie and ploy to keep the redpilled right separated and from truly uniting to defeat them. It keeps us weak and makes us fight amongst ourselves, and we need to stop that. A house divided cannot stand.

2017-11-03 08:42:32 UTC  

what was Hannity tick tocking about?

2017-11-03 12:02:46 UTC  

Spacey why did you fuck up