Message from @Meta Mirage
Discord ID: 362832177324359681
@Fusion still a cuck nonetheless
He fucked more women than the male population of some towns in America have
damn dude
that sounds pretty unfeminist to me tbh
Femenism is cancer
Feminism as we know it is cancer
I'm a meninist.
mainly because feminism now actually means feminism
femenism was never about equal rights
<:Ban:356316530859966475> The Left! <:Ban:356316530859966475> Antifa! <:Ban:356316530859966475> The Left! ALL NON-RIGHTS
hefner had more wives than muhammad 😜
Fellas is it gay to have sex with a non-virgin woman, I mean another dudes peener has been all up in her hoo ha and that means you are technically touching peeners with another man
and isn't just used for egalitarianism
muhammad smashed a 9 year old my dude
why would u compare him to hefner
Muhammad had 12 wives
if femenism had its way the males would be slaves working on a plantation
How many wives and ex-wives did the Hef have?
yeah which would never happen
cuz males are too alpha, naturally
and then u have the whole transgender agenda
Hugh Hefner has only legally been married twice
@Meta Mirage any male could be like "I identify as female now, get me out of these fucking chains!"
@Deleted User d0e93084 <:pepefedora:356316725865611264>
it iwll be missed
cc is dead