Message from @Deleted User d0e93084
Discord ID: 362832680200568834
muhammad smashed a 9 year old my dude
: Feminism is <:Gay:356316875367514122> ! <:Ban:356316530859966475> Feminism
why would u compare him to hefner
Muhammad had 12 wives
if femenism had its way the males would be slaves working on a plantation
How many wives and ex-wives did the Hef have?
yeah which would never happen
cuz males are too alpha, naturally
and then u have the whole transgender agenda
Hugh Hefner has only legally been married twice
@Meta Mirage any male could be like "I identify as female now, get me out of these fucking chains!"
@Deleted User d0e93084 <:pepefedora:356316725865611264>
it iwll be missed
cc is dead
i thought this was cc dude
nothing changed
Why has cc moved
its th enew cc
This isn't CC.
isnt it?
are u sure about that
I agree that's my point
what even is cc
This is the new CC
the old server
coca cola?