Message from @Blood
Discord ID: 362866470755106817
muh prograbunda XD
just liek they ate their own pets too?@Extra Crispy 😂
Are some here really doing the 'but that wasn't true socialism' thing?
that's what happens when you starve
Oh, man.
The people or citizens never really own everything as a community. It's always, *always* been the state representatives. This is how it always turns out, it doesn't work for them any other way. Because I don't know how to run a fucking business - that's why private ownership of businesses are important
@Extra Crispy how about the u.s funded right wing oposition burning down mega food distribution centers? does that make them starve?
the electricity might be free, but god forbid you drink the water or try to buy toilet paper from the stores
can you prove that they're "u.s. funded?'
@Fusion seconded. This has gone on long enough.
yes, marco rubio was on fox last month trying to get support from the base to give them another 20 million this year, its not a hidden fact@Extra Crispy
........I mean seriously, how the fuck does *a n y o n e* advocate for socialism when it's always turned out this way???
Plan-based economy always ends up producing more or less products than needed, because no government can predict the entire way the country goes
And any of this require assuming that once human gets power, he'll use it to satisfy the values of others and not himself
and human nature doesn't work that way.
provide sources
Reminder that if I was mod, he would be cucked, albeit still allowed to talk as he hasn't spammed the chat or tried to troll anyone
It doesn't matter how you spin it
whut is this?
Democratic socialsim is still national socialsim and is thus fascism
It means magic socialism with sprinkles on top rather than no sprinkles at all
💪 😤
But since so many people don't really know what the hell they're talking about they'd freak out if I said that
😂 👌
well im a white nationalist. sorry
@Blood Give me half your stuff and go work so i so i don't have to. NOW.
@Clonemasterâ„¢ 6.41 no, its just not a reality,
Because fascism has such an automatic negative association - as it should
marxist socialism does not function, because it gives priority toward welfare and dysgenic practices
democratic socialism means Vietnam
And as should socislism
@futurestorms lol thats not how it works
and we all know how Vietnam turned out
@Blood NOW.
what is the right server and why did i get invited to it please ander me fags
some socialist practices such as taxes that are not marxist are somewhat useful, and even then only to a degree