Message from @king
Discord ID: 363018650950565899
Guys I was an admin at CC!
Whatever goyims
are u guys my fwend?
You can all dm me xdd
Did anyone even ask Brit to give up ownership?
"Anorexic Tramp"
so that's not him.
there's still time to rebuild The Wall server <:wesmart:359946049588166657>
@Thatotherguy Evidence indicates no.
post an actuall link faggo not just a ss
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx You drove him off 😭
>tfw hated my self when i did do the coup but i knew it would help based brit do shit in real life
so in the end we did a favor for brit and the cc community
bad goyim
didn't the colts not kneel?
I thought the colts stood for the anthem
@king Goyim I don't play fucking minecraft, I don't know his name there
the fudge packers are gonna pull more stunts at tonights game
Then it doesnt seem a coup was necessary.
they already announced it
Then don't say I'm lying without context <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>
Didn't say you were lying.
I have not once said you were lying. Only that your claims require evidence.
You provided that evidence, and your claims have been proven valid.
ok u know what this is getting ridiculous
That's how logic and reason works.
ok who fucking cares at this point