Message from @fr
Discord ID: 363019798721986580
Anyways, be back in a bit
You didn't
You said
i cant be fukt
@BASED_BRIT do you hate me 😦
going to bed m8s
Guys, I'm here.
then you leave for 2 days
The discord list with the most traffic by far
I'm here.
I'm here.
good instinct brit
it was pefimous
who told me
>the value in it is just not worth it :^)
what does plat do
based brit
now ur back
I already said we did in the first 5 minutes
inb4 cc gets nuked again
wtf does this platinum subscription stuff do?
emotes n shit
It is for advertising a Discord server
yo we should read reddit td
and take it over
It's the main website with the most traffic where people look for servers to join
@king how much is it?
this was our land
>advertising a server with over 15k members
UP and Politics have used it to great success
can we raid td and take it as spoils of war
@NateSnowstorm CC was losing lots of people everyday
11000 of them were inactive according to that screenie
22k uses per month