Message from @sithfreeman
Discord ID: 363112032733757440
this one, ALL the time, 16+ years later
that god damn windmill
AVGN was much more articulate on the matter
dang I want to post my Zelda is redpill as fuck images
that was a tough game
Well I posted the one in shitpost
The other is 10MB
this thing
comes with a ton of homebrew hacked games too
xxx mario <:FeelsLELMan:356316501105442817>
it literally has a game where mario is pantsless running around with hs dick out
in nintendo NES graphics style
that was a good game too
warioland lol
nintendo after NES 🔫
gameboy baby
i liked the 2nd mario one
>not having a gamegear
what happened to the donald server?
well rip i guess
i wish i didnt update my vita firmware so i could still play retro emulators <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
any1 here ever read All the Kings Men?