Message from @KennyD
Discord ID: 363129007874506752
That ruling isn't convenient for us or anyone who is opposed by the BLM movement. But I think it's for the best. One day not too long from now, the Alt-Right will benefit from court precident because of this.
' J '
lol jk
Why did my Prestigious get taken away?
' J '
Cuz ur gay
lol smoker
we aren't prestigious enough
@KennyD best scene
@Aunt Honey .cooldad92 took it from you, ping him about it
cos u ain't 3rd prestige in cod yet
god bless trump
@cooldad92 Why did you take my Prestigious from me?
hey buddy
nice shittytumblrgif
im tired of the fake news acting like roy moore is going to cause trump problems
Shit, I meant DM him
@KennyD is the king of gifs!
I need to start remembering to tell people that
80s dude, do not disrespect breaking bad or gtfo
@sithfreeman worst mod
i should coup The Right Server and make myself mod
he's a rebel spy
@KennyD Breaking Bad is dissapointing and could've been way better than what it was
Sith is the best mod
@sithfreeman wow u did get mod