Message from @ok
Discord ID: 363465551718121476
lets raid em like the vegas raiders
Yeah they added a fucking anime channel
you know what they're going to do tho, the mod team with Based Brit are going to dm everyone from this server with an invite to their fake CC.
Fucking kikes
And Garzie is admin
Woops I posted that in the other server
stop being faggots and stop talking about raiding
Probably gonna get banned now lol
It must be a blessing when a black man can smell when a white woman is ovulating.
some nigger over there was trying to call me out for saying they were eurofags
don't raid them ((don't )))
Can we talk about this team tho lol
what if I hate myself but it's not because I'm white?
Do it.
i rarely ever think about being white. i simply exist.
i love u guys
i left that fake cc
I love me too
Speaking of jews
the admin team is a disgrace
brit is okay tho
Why is Donald trump being all Jewy today?
That other server sucks I asked for golden pede and they just gave it to me
His tweets
Because I asked
@Grisk remember Donald Trump's son in law is <:merchant:360155656528986112>
As long as I have a place to talk about niggers I'll be around
lmao i asked for image perms and he wouldnt even give me that
@! Q ! tfw you vote for a globalist businessman because he is going to help the working class but then it turns out he's a zionist
Lol fire is in there now saying how cool they are