Message from @Scary_Clown
Discord ID: 363477656596905984
@Caster who knows
@PanickedPaladin Those people weren't even online and you know it
it was just a ruse
@sithfreeman ...and....bunny..... <:FeelsLELMan:356316501105442817>
get in voice chat stryker is on a roll
@sithfreeman oh no not duckie <:ree:356316447548375070>
@Sed I know <:FeelsLELMan:356316501105442817>
duckie said this room sucks
and is going to take the old one back
or osmething like that
i dont know shit about football
You are outcucking cuckservatives...
@PanickedPaladin Then they should've been online instead of just sitting there
>I voted for Trump but I'm asking him for nothing
i told duckie id help ruin this room
and be dumb faggot in here
they're bleeding members, they're at 33 now ha ha !!!!!
I think that's telling
Caster why are you such a cuck?
Deport all 11 million illegals now!!!!!!
nice, they revived it
@PanickedPaladin We already have 2,000+ users, we'll get even bigger than before
Is that garzie?
Stop being such a cuck
they are desperate for users
@PanickedPaladin sith is right. Relax.
they have like 60 people total on the whole server
"Higurashi no naku koro ni" if this a child cartoon your retarded and have ess then nigger iq
jk im joky
@MrThatGuy no argument
@Composers guy like I said don't even give it a worry
@PanickedPaladin If you want to go suck Brits dick, then do so and leave