Message from @WrasslinMan
Discord ID: 363499921833328641
@Designated Loo why you use that cheap powder shit bruh
eating meat and unhealthy food is literally cucking yourself
Just put melted American cheese on it bruh
is it just me or is it getting hot in here
>american cheese
>be fat
>watch libcucks get girls before you do
I can only get so erect plz
>TFW your parents run fast and just leave you instead of getting an abortion
That's child abuse.
im going to force my son to wear a dress and if he says no im going to beat his ass for being such a fucking cis white male
No that's a mistake
honestly thought I don't see it as just a gender revolution, people who aren't gender bending are wearing clothes of the opposite sex for example
there's more of a focus on beauty in general for both genders
I'm new
Best episode
fuck you drinkbleach
love u
80s guy that is good
@Autistic Dog stop. posting. pics. of. yourself.
fucking soda pop
@Autistic Dog ROFL
daily reminder that tna fucking sucks
ahahaha degenerate