Message from @Sed
Discord ID: 363501987859267584
daily reminder that tna fucking sucks
ahahaha degenerate
@WrasslinMan that reveal when he removed his sting mask to show he's string was pretty epic tho
LOL sed
i love that gif
I liked TNA way back when
there booking was wretched
i dont really watch anymore, but i did a while back
russo and hogan yuck
attitude era
when styles/joe were x division champs and jarret was champion
I don't think jarret is champ material but still
jarrets main event matches were full of so much shit. powder, weapon shots, ref bumps, ten guys running in, etc
the man, the myth, WHOOOOOOOOOO
wcw in 1999: ric flair in his boxers and the fingerpoke of doom. the end was not far off
the man is high energy though
Wrestling is the closest thing I want to get to Multiculturalism.
cocaine is a hell of a drug
@Juan Rico KEK
wrestling is an excuse for 2 gay men to touch each other
I miss when wrestling was decent
can't deny it's kinda gay
They got the Mexican guy, the flying Sihk, and shit like that, but at the end of the day they don't take my welfare.
but I grew up watching it
same year randy savage literally gets shit sprayed in his car on nitro. kevin nash as booker: FUCK THIS COMPANY
A mere taste of another culture with 100% less rape
WCW was always kinda a mess
they just had a good run
they had two years with the nwo then fucked it up at starcade then the year 2000 happened and I dont think we need to talk about it
la parka