Message from @Sed
Discord ID: 363509291984093184
Alright guys, I'm out for the night. MAGA everyone, maga!!!!!!
g'night kenny
Or like 10mins? I'm drawing rn
have to run in a few right now. Later or tomorrow?
<:shekels:310849595469070346> good afternoon friends
Just tag 👌🏻
hey trent
thanks fam
grats on mod
McMahon is based, every year he throws a special event just for American soldiers. He's one of the few who have a long tradition of doing that btw. I think he's up there with like Dolly Parton when it comes to stuff he does for veterans and stuff.
i want more clothes
i have a joB
clothes r expensive
then buy some <:ree:356316447548375070>
they really are lol
>a trap with a job
what could you possibly do for money?
in a clothing store
im actually good at my job
isnt it like a high percentage of traps are unemployed and living off SSI or something?
don't you get a discount
no we get a 15% of the jeans that's it
that's pretty shit
it is shit
I usually end up paying like 70 bucks for a pair of jeans
I don't like all this bullshit tight fit clothing
makes shopping even more of a nightmare
I work at an Italian restaurant. I get $2 off things. It's pretty expensive. A small pizza starts at $15 and adds $1.50 for every topping
jeans are useless. they only have 4 pockets.