Message from @Maddy
Discord ID: 363508597784838155
i remember this
died laughing lol
good old days
the bedpan hit
rofl lmfao
😃 memories
that bedpan shot would never happen these days
Alright guys, I'm out for the night. MAGA everyone, maga!!!!!!
g'night kenny
Or like 10mins? I'm drawing rn
have to run in a few right now. Later or tomorrow?
<:shekels:310849595469070346> good afternoon friends
hey trent
thanks fam
grats on mod
McMahon is based, every year he throws a special event just for American soldiers. He's one of the few who have a long tradition of doing that btw. I think he's up there with like Dolly Parton when it comes to stuff he does for veterans and stuff.
i want more clothes
get a job and buy some <:ree:356316447548375070>
i have a joB
clothes r expensive
then buy some <:ree:356316447548375070>
they really are lol
>a trap with a job
what could you possibly do for money?
in a clothing store
im actually good at my job
isnt it like a high percentage of traps are unemployed and living off SSI or something?
don't you get a discount