Message from @Jeb
Discord ID: 363654540882477067
I cant do anything with my dollars
I don't take handouts, I'm no leech
what about <:shekel:362992757146386432>
'' can I borrow a dollar''
sure man
I cant do anything with my dollars
Sorry, i was immitating a liberal
Oh lol
How long until my refugee status is repealed and replaced
No green card for you
Become an American citizen
i mean in the server m8
Yeah same thing
Get your green card
how does one do that
<@&350743715033120769>s Give me a green card, I'm a red blooded american through and through. My meme is stickied on the top of t_D right now
one sec
Muchas gracias amigo
Welcome alien.
Kill it
Happy to be home
It's a mexican, gass him!!
Or throw him over the wall
Anyhow, kick him out
Just working on my multiculturalism for when whites are a minority and required to learn spanish
Getting ahead of the curve fam
Just watched the video of the lady who@took the guy's MAGA hat. He was great in that he stuck to his story.
Si senor. Me espanol.