Message from @Jeb
Discord ID: 363655194137067521
Get your green card
how does one do that
They will give you a green card. Then you can participate as a patriot
<@&350743715033120769>s Give me a green card, I'm a red blooded american through and through. My meme is stickied on the top of t_D right now
one sec
Muchas gracias amigo
Welcome alien.
Kill it
Happy to be home
It's a mexican, gass him!!
Anyhow, kick him out
Just working on my multiculturalism for when whites are a minority and required to learn spanish
Getting ahead of the curve fam
Just watched the video of the lady who@took the guy's MAGA hat. He was great in that he stuck to his story.
Si senor. Me espanol.
fuck that lady
that shit really upset me, he was pretty diplomatic about it, idk if i could have been that cool
No swear
@LaCraig And the office people weren't having any of it. She was unhinged. Notice how she was only reactionary? Sign of a troubled person.
@futurestorms Yep, sucks the cam cut out right as the officers walked through the door.
Would have loved to see her try something and get bodyslammed
They had to get a statement from both parties on the matter. I'm sure she was arrested or detained for stealing. Did you also see when she said 'if we were off campus...' and basically threatened violence?
Yep! Hopefully he showed the footage to the boys and they took her in
Dude was half Nicaraguan...and yet he didn't care, but she still called him 'white.' smh
I don't understand how someone can be so hypocritical about an issue that to them means literally everything