Message from @thasil3nt
Discord ID: 363697286309478400
on the reals tho, i cant wait til next week and the impeachment vote fails. all the fresh memes we'll be able to make after the liberals fail to impeach Trump for the 1st time.
I heard rednecks are into that stuff, so they would support him even more if that were true
foti fye
If there really a vote to impeach?
al green draft articles for impechment because muh fee fees
<@268802285482672130> nice confidence in that if you don't offer the same amount of money if you lose
<@268802285482672130> im filthy rich bitch. you could have got 10k out of me but sure, i'll pay you $100 if it drops
I bet one <:shekel:362992757146386432> it's <:fake:356316613710053406>
that idiot is going to fuck up any actual impeachment vote
>thinking anyone is actually going to INPEECH trump
<@268802285482672130> if it doesnt drop, you owe me $100, im screen shotting your comment :p
wait, so in the case you are wrong you are paying me and not him and only $10?
You pay me $100 every week for the rest of your life
I've screenshot this comment
we got the screenshots fellas, we're golden
Stand up and be counted show the world that you're a man, stand up and be counted, go with the KKK!
He isn't confident to put up the same money if he's wrong as if he was right
hes a poor fag
it's just he said if he's right, then General Mad Dogg pays him
and if he's wrong, he pays me
yeah it's kind of suspicious that you are not doing a 1 for 1 bet
He's a larper
i dont think he knows how betting works tbh. probably the reason he's poor.
good morning friends 😃
top of the mornin to ya
Hello friendo 👌🏻
how is your saturday treating you
It's a beautiful fall day, not a dindu in sight, going well!
it just turned over to ocsober