Message from @KennyD
Discord ID: 364139464966144011
Get these Jews outa here
Lehaine barasho
I guess I have to start all over again
Mazel tov
You can't hate speech, if the listeners are already stirred up.
TO THE CUCKSHED I GO, @sithfreeman
@KennyD Wait you acutally want to go?
I can arrange that
No lol!
You know he had to do it to em
Spamming in the main chat? Isnt that against the rules?
Bad goys, bad goys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
They call it hate
When you want white states
You go to school
And then your brain gets jewed
So that's why kids
Are speaking like a dindu
Mup da du didda
Po mo gub bix nood
RIP KennyD(egenerate)
God no
Have you guys seen the Polish guru video where he pretends he goes one Ellen?
Normie meme
Kenny do you like the D
I've been sent to clean up this Discord!
?dhed @KennyD