Message from @Deleted User d0e93084
Discord ID: 364326106565967872
back tf off
hate speech?
hate speech LOL
Faggot is just a word
fucking snowflakes smh
I'm gay, and I call my bf a faggot
lol foxpod as you well know, it's different to be called a faggot by a straight person
a guy almost got his ass beat for saying faggots but im cool with yall saying it
My favourite phrase is "stop being a victim"
one off my friends pulled me back so i didnt get in trouble
@casualgardener get the fuck over it snowflake...this is not a fucking safe space
Unless someone is beating you up/bullying you non stop... you are not oppressed
faggot is a word that historically has gay blood on it
i'm over it, i'm just stating that it's a hateful word
Faggot is just a word.
i call my friends faggot all the time
i'm sure you do
@casualgardener fuck off. So is nigger/nigga.. but it's used in pop culture
i call other gays fags
i don't care to have this argument
because oyu would lose?
because yall are set in your ways
its not a discussion
faggy faggy no
@casualgardener are you sure your in the right place to be offended about words?
i'm not offended
i'm stating that it's a hateful word
you sound like it
it's a political orientation
@Deleted User d0e93084 the RIGHT place
not an emotional one
@casualgardener people here are black. People here are gay. There's straight, Christians, jews etc. No one cares about anything but freedom.
fuck Political correctness
whatever, i already said i don't fucking care