Message from @Jeb
Discord ID: 364325682357993483
I'm religious.. I'm saying it's completely natural for a woman to be there to have a baby. It's the ultimate purpose
hey its my head...i can put consent in if i want!
like i would ever actually fuck a woman against her will
pseudonymous, surely society has some influence on one's psychology, right?
Without that, their existence is pointless. Being barren isn't shameful... just a side effect of humanity/imperfection
foxpod, it's hard to argue against a religious argument
i dont have to worry about women
me either
im gay
im not gay tho
youre gay?
say shit
back tf off
hate speech?
hate speech LOL
fucking snowflakes smh
I'm gay, and I call my bf a faggot
lol foxpod as you well know, it's different to be called a faggot by a straight person
a guy almost got his ass beat for saying faggots but im cool with yall saying it
My favourite phrase is "stop being a victim"
one off my friends pulled me back so i didnt get in trouble
@casualgardener get the fuck over it snowflake...this is not a fucking safe space
Unless someone is beating you up/bullying you non stop... you are not oppressed
faggot is a word that historically has gay blood on it
i'm over it, i'm just stating that it's a hateful word
Faggot is just a word.
i call my friends faggot all the time
i'm sure you do
no hate behind it
@casualgardener fuck off. So is nigger/nigga.. but it's used in pop culture
i call other gays fags
i don't care to have this argument
because oyu would lose?
because yall are set in your ways