Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 364383576487100418
Cops stormed in on him
wah so he actualy escaped
No hes dead
splinter cel
after the cops stormed in on him in his hotel rom rite
so they gona take our guns away
like ozy land
Hopefully not
brb lessons
jfc.. death toll went from 2 to 50?!?!
good morning hows everyone today
Tired af
oh why didnt you get more sleep
Bumped :thumbsup:
It's Monday and 5 am
looks like not
White man
Of course
Stupid ass sand nigger
Takes a white man to do a shooting right
@n//a or I ban
shooter was a muslim?
scary will ban you
he is a savage
too soon to know
he is white tho
do we know which party he voted for in 2016?
I'm assuming he's a left wing shooter trying to sway the populace towards anti gun
its not a liberal for sure