Message from @AR
Discord ID: 364601275901411328
scary is only into traps trent
Is this server still gay orrrr
anyone wanna play csgo with trash? (me)
If I don't have an e thot jerking me off I'm not happy
btw can i get prestigious role?
is that the shit Jones is saying about Vegas? @Scary_Clown
by being prestigious
yes ofc
I am already
It doesn't make any sense
@RingOfFire If you were, you'd have the role
Why would a multi millionaire just snap and shoot hundreds of people
No beachlover you are assfucker
I just dont spend too much time on discord but this past week i spent more time than usual
>don't spend too much time on discord
@RingOfFire Congrats, you wasted more of your life on the Internet
ik haha
@RingOfFire you should spend more time in this server ❤ 🙂
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx aw thx pefimous
@RingOfFire just joined from politics server he is a cuck
hey! im on that server
hey! bunny banned me from that server
@AR which politics server? there is too many of them
Me too and they hate you saying that Vegas is fake btw
the one that pretended to b CC
I'm tired
@AR im glad they hate that people saying it was fake....because this is on leftists