Message from @ordosius
Discord ID: 364600308254375936
I'm a transniggerwhite
@Scary_Clown i never said the elft had nothing to do with this
I transitioned to negroism but came back
@AR wow what aqueen
i said your theory is batshit insane
You literally said this wasn't the left wing Obama CIA
idk if it's real but it's hilarious
@Scary_Clown no m8, the only thing you've proved here tonight is that you need the master shitposter role
I already have it
Check my roles fam
see, i was right
how do you get that role?
You shitpost a lot
But you also be serious sometimes
See I'm serious sometimes
thats me nigga
🇹 🇴 🇲
Shitposting in voice helps
🇵 🇪 🇹 🇹 🇾
But you have to be better at shitposting hannyou are
scary ur serious 1/10 times
@ordosius probably because it's not
scary is never serious
@trent I'm serious 2/10
I promise you
blax are bad
i think that the vegas shooting was literally some left wing terrorism
Tom Petty is a false flag
The Vegas shooting was most likely antifa @ordosius
scary is serious when we go surfing for e-girls 😤 😎
Or Vegas is false flag to cover up Tom Petty
I pick up an e girl a day
i did read that they found some antifa shit on the guy
scary is only into traps trent
Is this server still gay orrrr
anyone wanna play csgo with trash? (me)
If I don't have an e thot jerking me off I'm not happy