Message from @Scary_Clown
Discord ID: 364605331331874826
Remember, the money you save by not buying weed can be used to purchase other, more valuable items.
@Scary_Clown nigga i wasnt always named smoker
Just look up what weed does to you
@Fusion I don’t understand what is your problem with me.
@Deleted User d0e93084 yeah only named that after the weed really hit you lol
you're addicted dude just face it
this bot has anime pfp
@Scary_Clown no im not fuck you
@Deleted User 904fdf23 He's sad that you didn't respond to his dic pics /s
should we deport?
@Deleted User d0e93084 typical addict
ban it
>no i'm not fuck you
@Deleted User 904fdf23 Is a good person, who can have a problem with this person?
I don't really have one. I'm just pointing out your grammatical flaws for the fun of it.
literally what every addict says when you confront the addiction
you need help
weed is not addiciting you little shit
literally the next thing every addict says
yes it is
@sithfreeman everyone hates me for having a pfp, that’s freaking stupid tbh
holy shit yes it is
yes it is
@Deleted User d0e93084 Your honorary Jew status has been revoked until you get clean.
actually no
weed is addictive
i have friends who smoked it twice and now theyre gay
no it isnt
If you want to feel like the biggest fucking alpha @Deleted User d0e93084 , it's not by smoking weed but by bettering yourself in knowledge and physique. 2 main subjects that everyone will judge in. It will tell alot about your personality and how much you care about being a better being.
It has no nicotine
i smoke weed to get high, not feel alpha
Mods, please change his name to "False Jew"
@Deleted User 904fdf23 I don't really give a fuck if you use a girl pic or not. Just don't act thotty or break rules